As you start your preparations for the new academic year, remember that going back to school with braces needs a little extra planning. Remember – you aren’t alone and as long as you take care of your braces, you will hardly notice them at all.
To make it easier to keep your teeth healthy throughout the school day, create a small bag similar to a pencil bag, dedicated to your oral health, and keep it in your locker. The “Back to School with Braces” bag should include the following:
An extra toothbrush, toothpaste and floss picks to use after lunch.
If you have rubber bands, bring a few extra of these as well to change during the day. This will allow you to take them out while eating and put in a fresh new pair.
Extra wax – in case you get a poky wire! This will help prevent further irritation until you can get to see your Treatment Manager at Roos Orthodontics to fix the problem.
If you are no longer in braces but wear a retainer, remember to take the case with you to school. (This way you will have a secure place to keep it during lunch.) Never wrap your retainer in a napkin – more retainers are damaged or accidentally thrown away by this than any other way!
Keeping your teeth extra clean while wearing braces is important – and so is keeping your teeth safe…
If possible during PE wear a mouth guard. This will protect your teeth from getting hit with a ball, elbow, or anything in between. These mouth guards can be simple and inexpensive or more complex in fitting to your mouth. Speak to Dr. Roos about this at your next appointment
Be aware of the lunch menu and what you can eat with braces versus and what you should avoid.
Back to school with braces may seem like an adjustment, but there are ways to make it easier. Use these tips and it will become routine in no time!