For kids, summer time usually means fun days outside; ice creams and lollies; sleepovers and a general change in routine. For kids with braces though, these all require a little more consideration and planning than usual.
To help your child have fun and maintain appropriate orthodontic care this summer, we have compiled this short check list – Braces and Summer Time for Kids:
Schedule an early check-up with our office.
School vacations are our busiest time and appointments get filled quickly, so make sure you have your next one scheduled. If your child hasn’t yet started wearing braces, now is also a good time to make that first appointment so that they have time to adjust to the change in routine that new braces will require, while school is out.
As always, limit sugary drinks and snacks.
To cool off on these summer days, iced water and frozen sugar-free treats or refrigerated fruit make tasty and refreshing alternatives. Your dentist and your smile will thank you!
Plan ahead for sleepovers and overnight trips.
Not only will your child need their tooth brush and floss, but it might be an idea to include a small box of orthodontic wax in case they get a poky wire overnight as well as spare elastics, if appropriate.
Warm days and retainers.
Hot cars and direct sunlight melt retainers!
Taking extra care to make your child’s life with braces easier during the summer can help achieve our joint goal of successful orthodontic results, while keeping your child happy and healthy.